This is a workshop where you learn the techniques to create a fresh, new style of outdoor Winter planter: tree-top style.
Participants will use a simple black pot (12″ diametre) and pop in a 2-3 foot real evergreen tree (cut, not rooted) as the focal point. Then, layers of fresh evergreen boughs are added to the base of the planter to create a “skirt” that is lush and fragrant. Natural accents such as dogwood, pinecones and magnolia leaves are offered along with items from our “Accent Buffet” to create your own, unique masterpiece.
Note: this planter can be stand-alone or pop inside another, decorative pot (fits standard urns too). In this workshop you will make ONE planter; if you require a second one, our staff can gather up the materials for you to make another at home or why not register a friend to work alongside you?